Bonus Plan Policy Page has introduced a new bonus earnings system for experts. It is a way of rewarding our experts who are continuously providing quality answers to the students. As an appreciation of our experts for keep on answering questions as per our answering guidelines and achieving a high answer acceptance rate, we will reward our experts an additional cash amount of up to 30% of their withdrawals.

Bonus Criteria

Cash Bonus

Condition for qualifying for BONUS

10% of weekly withdrawal

Experts who have 100+ accepted answers and answer acceptance rate of at least 80% - 89.99%

20% of weekly withdrawal

Experts who have 100+ accepted answers and answer acceptance rate of at least 90% or above

15% of weekly withdrawal

Experts who have 500+ accepted answers and answer acceptance rate of at least 80% - 89.99%

25% of weekly withdrawal

Experts who have 500+ accepted answers and answer acceptance rate of at least 90% or above

20% of weekly withdrawal

Experts who have 1000+ accepted answers and answer acceptance rate of at least 80% - 89.99%

30% of weekly withdrawal

Experts who have 1000+ accepted answers and answer acceptance rate of at least 90% or above

* This Bonus Plan Policy is subject to change and can be terminated anytime without notice.